A large number of pet shops all over the world sell Chihuahua puppies. These adorable, loving Chihuahua puppies are very popular. Chihuahuas have become a very popular breed because of their irresistible attraction. If you plan to own a Chihuahua, there are several things you need before you buy one. Visit our website and learn more about https://www.trustedpuppies.com/best-hypoallergenic-dog-breeds/.

1) Details There are two types. One has a short, straight coat, while the other has an wavy, long coat. This Chihuahua has a long, smooth coat. It was cross-bred with Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers. It is currently difficult to trace back exactly which breed the stud dog came from. When it comes to the life span, nature and requirements of the stud dogs, however, they do not really matter.

2) Examine the temperament. Chihuahua puppies available for sale can be described best by the term “feisty”. If you are a serious dog lover, then you’ll have noticed that these small dogs behave fearlessly. This does not mean that they are anxious. Chihuahua puppies will be more playful and affectionate if their dams or stud dogs don’t get furious.

3) Colors Do not look at anything else.

4) Height, weight and size: This depends on the breed history of the stud dog and gene. But, generally, Chihuahua puppies must be between 6-9 inches high and 2-6-pounds or more in weight. Chihuahua puppies with a sharp, pointed muzzle, big eyes and round heads can only be Chihuahua.

5) Health Condition: Chihuahua puppies that are for sale can be difficult to obtain because of certain health issues. Eyes are first because the protruding lenses can cause problems with quick dryness, glaucoma, and other health issues. Because they are normally born through Caesarean, the bones of Chihuahua puppies you’ll see in your local pet store are fragile and can be easily broken. Their small size can sometimes cause them problems.